Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes our verification emails get lost and end up in your spam or junk folder. If it’s not there either, you can contact us for help.

Safety is our number one priority at Kaboose, so we want to ensure all our members are real people who are who they say they are. We don’t store any identification documents or details—these are securely verified and then automatically deleted.
You can! But you’ll need to verify your email address, so we recommend using your client’s email address and then passing the credentials on to them.
We’re currently working on a media sharing capability, and hope to release it to the world in 2023. Watch this space!
At this stage we primarily support the neurodiverse community, but we welcome all members who are having trouble finding their tribe.

We welcome users from eight (with parent support), but we have no age limit.  If you’re under 13, you will need parental approval to sign up. We are working on releasing our age slider search bar and hope to have this to you my March 2024!

We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch at
If you haven’t found the answer you’re looking for, shoot a message to and we’ll do our best to help.